Get in gear with YMCA Cycling classes! Our inspiring cycling instructors will lead the class on an indoor journey through mixed terrains (hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials and interval training) to the rhythm of powerful music. By increasing or decreasing tension on the bike, you control the intensity of your ride, making this cycling class suitable for both new and experienced riders.
Cycling classes are scheduled with other Group Exercise classes and FREE for Y members! Find a location and you'll find a cycling class!
- Cycling - A stationary bike cardiovascular workout to music simulating an outdoor bike ride
- Cycling and Core - A stationary bike cardiovascular workout to music simulating and outdoor bike ride followed by core exercises.
- Cycling and Strength - A stationary bike cardiovascular workout to music simulating an outdoor bike ride followed by strength exercises.
- RPM is A LesMills indoor cycling workout where you ride to the rhythm of powerful music. Music tracks and choreographed to provide an excellent workout and improve cardiovascular conditioning.