Having successful cause-driven managers at the YMCA is critical to the success of all YMCAs. It is important for new managers to get the tools, information and resources they need to be successful from the start. It is also important for managers who have been in their role for a while to revisit these resources and reflect upon their impact as a manager. Introduction to Leading Others is a two-day survey course that focuses on what it takes for cause-driven managers/leaders to be successful.

The course covers subjects ranging from very practical "how to" topics needed for managing day-to-day tasks, to higher level strategies for coaching and effectively leading and developing staff and volunteers, the human capital of our organization. Sample course topics include, creating an engaging workplace environment, developing diverse and inclusive teams, coaching for success, delegating effectively, being a YMCA cause-driven manager/leader, and establishing effective and meaningful relationships.


  • Introduction to Leading Others: Interviewing Guide
  • Introduction to Leading Others: Employment Law Fundamentals

All participants must also register for this course through the YMCA Exchange Learning and Career Development Center (LCDC) before the first day of class. Click here to register.

Supervisors please note: The fee for this training is $80 per participant. This fee will be processed as a journal transfer to the GL account provided by the branch.
