For Youth and Families Paying it Forward
Join the Y for a fun evening with music, food, friends and fun as we raise support by paying it forward for youth and families in our community!
The YMCA of the Suncoast is an integral part of the community. From families to seniors, young kids and teens, all belong at the YMCA, where everyone has the chance to grow, develop and thrive. Your support allows the YMCA to be there for those who need us the most.
You're Invited!
- WHEN: April 11, 2024 | 6 - 8pm
- WHERE: Brooksville Country Club
- Brooksville Country Club, 23446 Links Dr., Brooksville, FL 34601
- Enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres/light dinner & beverages
If you are unable to attend, and would love to support the Hernando Y with a donation, please CLICK HERE.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event and supporting the YMCA, please see below for opportunities.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Reserved seating near front of venue
- Opportunity to include promotional materials to guests
- Company/Individual recognition during event
- Top Listing on all marketing materials
- Company/Individual highlighted in all social media posts
- Company/Individual placed prominently on event program
- Company/Individual featured in all media releases
- Company/Individual highlighted on YMCA TV
- Video on social media highlighting the company/individual commitment to YMCA
- Reserved seating second row of venue
- Opportunity to include promotional materials to guests
- Company/Individual recognition during event
- Company/Individual highlighted in all social media posts
- Company/Individual placed prominently on event program
- Company/Individual featured in all media releases
- Company/Individual highlighted on YMCA TV
- Video on social media highlighting the company/individual commitment to YMCA
- Company/Individual highlighted in all social media posts
- Company/Individual included on event program
- Company/Individual featured in all media releases
- Company/Individual highlighted on YMCA TV
- Company/Individual signage on tables & venue entrance
- Company/Individual highlighted in all social media posts
- Company/Individual included on event program
- Company/Individual featured in all media releases
- Company/Individual highlighted on YMCA TV
- Company/Individual highlighted in all social media posts
- Company/Individual included on event program
- Company/Individual highlighted on YMCA TV
- Signage on all food tables
- Sponsor can provide paper goods, cups etc. with business name and/or logo for all guests
- Company/Individual featured in all media releases
- Company/Individual included on event program