Preparing Children to Learn

The Greater Ridgecrest YMCA and the City of Crystal River YMCA Community Engagement Center offer a free Early Learning Readiness program for caregivers, parents and their children five and under. The program is designed to help children enter school ready to succeed and it gives parents and caregivers skills to encourage learning.

Register today for the Early Learning Readiness program.

"A strong foundation in early childhood results in better and more effective development later, a weaker foundation really puts us behind," said Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.

Researchers like Dr. Shonkoff are strong advocates for early learning development. This Y program assists in building that foundation by providing an environment for children to play and learn while developing their physical, verbal and social skills. Thanks to an informal setting with multiple play areas, caregivers and parents will learn how children develop and how they can encourage learning at home.

"The Y is all about helping our children grow," said George Garcia, the former High Point YMCA Executive Director. Garcia assisted in the programs start and he's still excited about what caregivers, parents and their children will learn.

"We'll provide an environment like their home where parents and their kids can try new things that will help them build a stronger relationship."

Caregiver and parent classes with their children meet twice a month. The first session is Spanish only from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and the English only class meets from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

For more information, call (727) 272-5832.