Road Trip Tips from the YMCA of the Suncoast

Time to round up the family and hit the road for that fun-derful summer vacation. Most parents know that traveling as a family isn’t always easy. No matter how much planning and organization go into the trip, there are always little things that crop up, such as forgotten items or those just not thought of at all. Here are five tips from YMCA of the Suncoast to help the whole family be the best road warriors they can be.

Are We There Yet? That’s the chorus that makes every traveling parent squirm. Avoid that cringe-worthy refrain by remembering that car travel doesn’t have to be boring. There are dozens of travel games available for purchase online, as well as car games that the whole family can play that don’t cost a penny. “Would You Rather” and “21 Questions” are great ways to pass the time, and of course, there are old standbys such as “I Spy” and “The License Plate Game.”

I’m Hungry! True road warriors know that this phrase can add time and money to a road trip, so come prepared with healthy foods that will keep the family feeling good and full. Choose veggies with ranch dressing or hummus, or apples and bananas with a scoop of peanut butter. And don’t forget to keep everybody hydrated with plenty of water.

I Need to Go! The dreaded potty break. While you may lament losing precious drive time, regular stops are essential for the family to use the restroom and move about. Shoot for ten- to-fifteen-minute stops every two- to-three hours, and remember, the longer you drive, the longer the break should be.

Also, if you need to go to the Y, we now have nationwide membership learn more here.  Now you can use your Y membership across the country, stop for a dip in the pool or run on the treadmill en route to your next destination.

My Back Hurts! This complaint often comes from mom and dad as they switch driving and navigating duties. It’s another reason that planned breaks every few hours are essential. Another way to combat this problem is to use that portable gym or rec center membership to stop and stretch in a yoga class, bask in the jacuzzi, or even get a massage.

It’s Okay. Remember, the best-laid plans don’t always work out, so if you’re off by few hours or even many hours, try to stay flexible and in the moment. The real goal of your trip is to spend fun family time together – and that can be accomplished just about anywhere.