Participants in the John Geigle YMCA MASH Group and the Teen Leaders Club come together for the annual Gratitude Dinner.
When Laura Bogdanski joined the John Geigle YMCA Teen Leaders Club, she knew it was a great way to develop important life skills and strong friendships. It also helped create a deep connection to the community. “Giving back to your community gives a chance for others to get help and show they are appreciated,” said Laura. Through the Teen Leaders Program, Laura and her peers had the opportunity to serve at the Y’s annual MASH Gratitude Dinner.
The MASH (Mainstream Adults Sharing Hope) group gathers on a regular basis at the John Geigle YMCA. They spend time socializing, creating healthy habits and finding ways to give back to the community. The annual Gratitude Dinner is an opportunity for the nearly 50 “MASH’ers” to gather and reflect on the year and the things they are most grateful for, while they enjoy a nice dinner.
For Laura, helping at this dinner gave her even more to be grateful for. “It felt really rewarding to help out with MASH. Just seeing the members enjoying themselves at the event. They were all such incredibly nice people and were so happy to have us set up a Thanksgiving meal for them. I love giving back just to see how much of an impact you can make on someone’s life with such a simple thing. I also love meeting new people who you can learn from and connect with.”
The purpose of the YMCA of the Suncoast Teen Leaders Club is to provide teens with experience and training to influence college knowledge, academics, positive relationships, life skills, and positive identity. The program is focused on overall wellness, character development, and service; it aims to foster a sense of belonging and achievement for all of those who are involved.